Mind & Heart United



AUTHOR – Nataliya Dolinska – Transformation & Love LifeStyle Inspirational Mentor

Often I hear women saying “I don’t have time for myself”. And it’s a big thing because time for yourself is that very personality need that feeds our soul. That is the cup that better be full because what we drink from it gives us the connection with our Core, with who we are. It’s also a pure manifestation of self love and self care in itself. 

Honestly I had the same idea poisoning my life experience for a long time until I had enough of it. Being a solution oriented person who values time and well-being a lot, I have this rule, you know, – if you don’t like it, change it. So, I’ve decided to take the bull at the horns and have a DATE WITH MYSELF 🙂 and figure out what is all this about. What can be done differently? How can I improve the situation? 🙂 

Once I took time to LISTEN to mySelf to understand exactly what was bothering me, I’ve realised that it’s not so much what I’m doing that gives me that impression, but that I don’t feel time as mine. Could it be your case too? 

That was more like my relationship with the external world and the way I’m being ME (or  not 😉 in the process of doing. I’ve realised that in fact most of the things I was already doing, I liked more than I imagined before my DATE WITH MYSELF. That the belief of not having time for myself was false. It was just an illusion that blurred my vision on how much more joy, satisfaction, pleasure with mySelf I can create with what I already have and is within my reach.  


The question you need to answer first is: do you really want to enjoy time that is given to you more? If the answer is yes, the you need to take care of your #soulset and add to your well-being. You need to connect with YOU and interrupt this madness of believing that you don’t have time for YOU. 

Follow the roadmap. Make Time Yours! 

So, I welcome you to start wondering and open You to your Well-Being by improving your well-doing. I invite you to have a dialogue with YourSelf.

How much real YOU is present at what you are doing? 

How much in the way you do things represents YOU: the things that you value, that feed your soul, give the feeling of satisfaction, support your balance? 

Do you expand and employ enough of your talents, values, imagination in your activities? Or it’s just a teeny-tiny part of you that has to pull it all?

How much accountability do you take to create the context of beauty, comfort, harmony in your activity and interaction with You and the world, the others?

Hopefully, being inspired by this article you can’t resist itch and book ASAP the DATE WITH YOURSELF

Feed your Soul and Add to your Well-Being!


As you all know, the power of good is in sharing and contributing to the good beyond yourself. 

So, if you know someone who suffers from the belief that he has no time for himself, please share this article. Who knows, maybe that is a gift that he needs right now from YOU 🙂

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