If all your doing is being in the league of excellent performers then you are actually going to deplete those very resources and assets that allow you to own your story, to own your mind, to own your body and play the long game. You need a skill to avoid all that. This skill is called self leadership.
A successful happy leader of his life and health radiates energy. Energy is not coming out from being suppressed or avoiding challenges but from the competence to monitor, regulate and expand your emotional intelligence. It’s his life priority when living a healthy and successful life on his terms. It’s of crucial importance for your whole well-being. As a master of your own well-being you know and do three things:
- what gives you the energy,
- how to preserve it and
- how to channel it
In a way that is effective, sustainable, empowering and lasts.
There are 5 key elements of happy well-being wisdom:
- Life focus = on what really matters, conscious and with awareness
- Physical fitness = Personal energy
- Science of achievement = 20% must do and 80% like to do
- Commitment and self Love
- Biological rhythm = wave activity of your brain
Wise creative and highly productive people have a strong skill and the competence to manage and monitor all 5. They work hard, but they also have fun, take breaks and necessary rest without guilt, choose activities that correspond with their personal brain functioning, its timing and waves. In doing that they also choose the way that feeds their soul, gives fulfillment in tight connection with their core. Whatever they do, they mind who they really are, how they feel while doing. In this way they recharge and recover as the highest version of themselves, as a human being instead a human doing.
A big jump in success does not happen by accident. Nor is it about working “harder” or ‘“hustling more.” The secret is developing the critical few skills that really matter — while ignoring all the shiny objects and ego-based metrics most people chase.
Becoming a stronger, better master of your well-being is one of those skills.
Read other related articles like “RESHAPE YOUR LIFE STARTING TODAY” and “WHAT COULD BE DONE TO AVOID DEPLETION” to learn more about how to activate your human-being with the power of love so you can empower your well-being and therefore to become more effective in your doing.
Author – Nataliya Dolinska – Transformation & Love LifeStyle Inspirational Mentor